Thursday, December 29, 2011

Rhei's Birthday Salubong

Last December 11, 2011, my college friend Rhei held her pre-birthday celebration at there house. My college barkada were also there with their boyfriends,haha..It was fun because we had lots of food, good music and overflowing drinks. Something unexpected also happened that made the night memorable :)) 

                          Jam, Rhei and Eug preparing our yummy snack/pulutan

                   Yes, you've seen it right, yan ang trabaho ko the whole time,hahaha!       

                                                    with Jam and keith

            (L-R) Eunica,eug,jam,md,me,yen and keith, bday celebrant, where are you?? :) 

                                                        complete  :)

                                                  Let the party begin...

                                                   Jagermeister time :)

                                            Ang saya namin ni roselle! :))

                              The girls giving some love to the birthday girl :)

                                               Happy 21st birthday Rhei!!! 

Happy birthday Rhei! Thank you for always opening your house to us, you know what i mean ;) We love you to bits!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Wishlist

I think every blogger must have a list sooo here's mine... :) 

Sky blue Paisley satchel bag

Scallop tshirt

      Timex leopard print strap watch

A long black blazer

                                Those Primadonna shoes that Ava Teh is wearing

                      This cute puppy! do you guys know what breed of dog is it? 

and other things that i want for christmas that are not in the pictures are more books and nyx lipsticks! ;) I'm excited for christmas already! 1 day to gooo! :)

How about you guys, what's in your christmas wishlist? :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Other Boleyn Girl

I always wanted to read this novel because Ive heard a lot of good reviews about it, i had second doubts buying this then because first, this is not my kind of genre when it comes to books i usually buy chick lit novels because they are my favorite. Second, i thought this novel will bore me because it's a historical fiction book that is based on the life of 16th-century aristocrat named Mary Boleyn but, i was wrong. Ever since i started reading this novel, i cant put it down every page is filled with action and passion. 

"Two sisters competing for the greatest prize: the love of a king

When Mary Boleyn comes to court as an innocent girl of fourteen, she catches the eye of Henry VIII. Dazzled by the king, Mary falls in love with both her golden prince and her growing role as unofficial queen. However, she soon realizes just how much she is a pawn in her family¹s ambitious plots as the king¹s interest begins to wane and she is forced to step aside for her best friend and rival: her sister, Anne. Then Mary knows that she must defy her family and her king, and take her fate into her own hands.

A rich and compelling tale of love, sex, ambition, and intrigue, The Other Boleyn Girl introduces a woman of extraordinary determination and desire who lived at the heart of the most exciting and glamorous court in Europe and survived by following her own heart."

I'm always fascinated about the Tudor period (period between 1485 and 1603, specifically in relation to the history of England). I always admired the way the people speak during this time and their style of dressing, i love the corsets, long dresses and headpieces. This novel takes me to that era and it made me understand more about life back then. I would say that there are some similarities that i noticed in their court with relation to our government nowadays when it comes to power and corruption. The Other Boleyn Girl is a passionate tale of love, intrigue, ambition and betrayal. I definitely recommend this novel to you guys. 

There's also a movie version of it starring Natalie Portman (Anne Boleyn), Eric Bana (King Henry VIII) and Scarlett Johansson (Mary Boleyn). I havent watch it yet, i hope it's as good as the novel. 

Any other good reads that you can recommend to me? :)


Friday, December 16, 2011


I just got home from my basic life support (BLS) training at NC-CLEX, i found their bls program interesting and very informative, walang sinabi yung bls ng sa school namin, was a video based program from American Heart Association, no long ang boring lectures! you'll really learn from it. For example, for adult cpr one rescuer you'll watch the video on how to do it then after that you'll perform it repeatedly until the instructors told you to stop. After the demonstration, they will play the next video then you'll do it again and so on. At the end of the entire course, you'll have an evaluation exam, it consists of 2 parts: a return demonstration and a written one. You have to pass both, if you dont you have to repeat the entire course and pay again.

What i love about our training is their 1:3 ratio for participants, meaning one instructor for three students, unlike the other programs where in there are so many students for only one instructor. Tutok talaga sila sainyo kaya you'll really learn. The training venue itself is nice, they have different dummies that works! haha.. and they have the proper equipments for the said course. I recommend you guys (nursing students/health practitioners) to enroll in NC-CLEX, they also have other trainings and programs besides bls.  

                             After the training, you'll get the card and certificate :)

                   And oh, after 10 years i finally got my prc license! yay! :) haha!

After all the necessary trainings that i have done, i hope i could get a job soon as a nurse :)

For more information about the NC-CLEX you could visit their website HERE.  

Monday, December 5, 2011

Together Again ♥

It's been awhile since Rj and I went on a date, the last time we were together was when he accompanied me to register for my PRC license, that's November 11,2011,super late right? haha, I haven't had much time to fix my nursing related stuffs after the results came because I was working then. Anyway, we've been so busy with our lives lately, he's running errands for his family while I, on the other hand, besides drooling over Damon Salvatore almost everyday while I'm watching TVD..busy with the necessary trainings for nursing. We also had a little misunderstanding because of this. I don't want to be the demanding girlfriend but sometimes I just cant help it, I guess it's normal for us girls to feel that way especially if we miss that person so much, that we feel that he isn't giving you enough "time" ;) But of course like most problems encountered in relationships we talked about this like "mature" adults..mature..meaning I completely went "deadma" mode for awhile or I gave him that "cold" feeling. For example, i don't put smileys in text messages anymore (HAHA!), i answer texts like i was my father..meaning no punctuation marks at all and i only gave one word answers when he asked me mature right? ;) What I realized about doing this "cold" feeling to your bf/gf was it will never solve the problem you had, you'll just prolong it..the best way is to talk about it. Good communication is always a must for relationships to work (expert? haha!)  After we had our "talk",i completely understand his reasons and finally we went out today, hence this post. 

I'm just so happy to spend my time with him again :) We were supposed to watch Breaking Dawn at ATC, but we decided to just stay at a coffee shop to catch up on each other's life. 

 Starbucks' S'mores, it was too sweet for my taste but it's good. 

Long talks plus coffee equals one perfect rainy afternoon :)